Advice: Circa 2012

Recently, I was at an event with my dad and he was talking to me and another person and he started to talk to this person about me. He said, “One of the things that I admire about her is that she listens to advice.”  He then began to share a story of a time that I really took consejo.
Back in 2012, a guy that I knew from high school was harassing me and constantly reaching out via texts and phone calls. I, one day, called my dad and expressed the concerns that I had and he told me one thing, ” If you really want this to stop, change your number.”

Now at the time, I was in my teens and I felt like drama always followed me. This didn’t even come to me as a solution because I was allowing it. Drama didn’t just follow me everywhere, I was allowing it to. HA! I was just letting the drama happen.

What he said really resonated with me.

“IF you really want this to stop”

Just that part alone puts this into perspective!

(So, I changed my number and never had to deal with harassing boy and his shxt again.)

My dad closed with saying that he left my old number in his phone and has it saved as “Lorena from 2012”. He said to him it’s symbolic of how I take advice to improve myself but also it’s when I learned that sometimes it’s changing ME and not trying to change everyone around me.

So, I say this, because I think someone may need to hear this.

This was sparked from my built up frustration with friends or friends of friends that are avidly talking about leaving Las Vegas for “drama” reasons. It’s to the point where I mentally roll my eyes whenever it’s said, because… if you hate the weather, fine. If you hate not living by the beach or living in green, fine. But, drama?

Here’s a slight piece of advice because I have seen it time and time again.

It DOESN’T MATTER WHAT CITY/STATE you live in, drama is in your life because you create it, attract it, invite it and are most likely addicted to it. It WILL follow you.

Blaming Vegas for your drama filled life is just a way of justifying your life and poor choices. If YOUR life “sucks”, it’s because of YOU, your choices, your mindset. Now, I am not the type of person to bring up a problem I see and not give a solution…

Keep positive. Adjust your circle of friends. Switch up your activities. Go climb a mountain. Leave the guy/girl/friend/llama/pillow that is being toxic. Change it up and then you will see results. You will see a change in your life, I guarantee it. Make the person you are now “Circa 2017” and make the new person a person who is surrounded with learning and acceptance of the world around you and the things that life brings us.

P.S. This is also cheaper than moving from state to state.

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